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Chief DIRECT Marketer


from the editors of Chief Marketer and DIRECT

March 5, 2014

Chief DIRECT Marketer
Sports and Loyalty Marketing Help Papa John’s Bring in the Dough
Use All Five Senses in B2B Marketing
Technology Tools for Streamlining Online Marketing
B2B Marketing Toolkit
More Quality Leads Needed in Education Market
Making Sense of Lead Gen Metrics and Your True ROI
Budgets Shift To Content Marketing CMO’s Say
Retail Retargeting in Email on the Rise

Sports and Loyalty Marketing Help Papa John’s Bring in the Dough

By Beth Negus Viveiros

papa-cropA tight relationship with the NFL, a rewards program and integrated marketing online and off help Papa John's maintain a slice of the competitive pizza market. Learn more in our excluvice interview with CMO Bob Kraut.


Use All Five Senses in B2B Marketing

By Grant Johnson

rubber-chickenAs Pete Townsend wrote all those years ago, "see me, feel me, touch me." Discover how engaging all five of a prospect's senses with your B2B campaign can boost response.


Technology Tools for Streamlining Online Marketing

By Amanda Elam

technology595Effective use of technology is a must in order to  maintain high levels of customer service and engagement. Discover some applications that can help you better manage your marketing efforts.


B2B Marketing Toolkit


In this Chief Marketer Toolkit, discover ideas from the experts for improving your 2014 B2B marketing strategies in direc mail, social media, data and analytics, lead gen, content marketing and more.


More Quality Leads Needed in Education Market

By Beth Negus Viveiros

devry logoIn today's education market, schools much focus on generating quality prospective students, who will not only start at a school but graduate and go on to become productive members of society. Learn more from this interview with the president of DeVry.


Making Sense of Lead Gen Metrics and Your True ROI

By Beth Negus Viveiros

Big Sky TournamentSure, you’re measuring your cost per lead. But are you really measuring the true effectiveness of your lead generation initiatives, across your entire enterprise?


Budgets Shift To Content Marketing CMO’s Say

By Patricia Odell

budgets595CMOs agree that content marketing is important to their business, and many expect to see a positive ROI from their content marketing efforts this year.


Retail Retargeting in Email on the Rise

By Beth Negus Viveiros

email-envelope-screen-595Both online and brick-and-mortar retailers are increasingly using email to engage and re-engage customers at various points in their buying cycles.


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