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Chief DIRECT Marketer


from the editors of Chief Marketer and DIRECT

January 29, 2014

Chief DIRECT Marketer
4 Reasons Why B2C Marketers Should Use Webinars for Lead Gen
RPI Versus RFM: Targeting the Frequent Traveler
Emails We Love: Sock It To Me
Trend-Driven Resolutions For Retail Loyalty Marketers
How Mobile-Friendly Retailers Engage Consumers—And Boost ROI
Brilliant B2B: Big Brands Struggle to Understand SMB Market
The Importance of Technology and Automation in Lead Gen
Trend Report: Customer Data Platforms in 2014

4 Reasons Why B2C Marketers Should Use Webinars for Lead Gen

By Monique Torres

the number fourWebinars can be as valuable to B2C marketers as they are to their B2B counterparts. Still, most consumer-focused marketers shy away from this potentially very useful tactic. Here's why that needs to change.


RPI Versus RFM: Targeting the Frequent Traveler

By Karl Wirth

RPIIs RFM still your metric of choice? Online travel firms should consider examining recency, persona and intent in their real-time marketing efforts.


Emails We Love: Sock It To Me

By Beth Negus Viveiros

sock dreamsEvery niche market can be fodder for a compelling email newsletter, if you walk the right walk. Learn how etailer Sock Dreams engages customers with creative copy and content.


Trend-Driven Resolutions For Retail Loyalty Marketers

By Jeff Berry

CheckmarkFor loyalty marketers in the retail industry, a new year offers the chance to assess the marketplace and commit to business-related resolutions.


How Mobile-Friendly Retailers Engage Consumers—And Boost ROI

By Patricia Odell

mobile-friendly retailersSome mobile-friendly retailers and brands are more advanced than others, but it is the risk takers that are offering up innovative ideas to steal. Learn more in this Chief Marketer Special Report.


Brilliant B2B: Big Brands Struggle to Understand SMB Market

By Beth Negus Viveiros

crystal-ballTwo out of three big brands are planning to increase their investment in targeting SMB customers over the next one to three years. Discover more on the Big Fat Marketing Blog.


The Importance of Technology and Automation in Lead Gen

By Frans Van Hulle

many small light bulbs equal big oneThe growing global use of the Internet for absolutely everything has emphasized the importance of content, social media and email marketing in lead generation.


Trend Report: Customer Data Platforms in 2014

By Patrick Gorman

iStock_000029459090SmallCustomer data platforms (CDP) took a big step forward last year, with marketers and tech vendors partnering to create databases more quickly and efficiently than previously possible, and experts see this trend continuing in 2014.


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Preserving Mobile Marketing: 6 Steps Marketers Must Take Now

Sales Enablement: Fulfilling the Last Frontier of Marketing—Sales Alignment

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The Five Failure Points of Today's Selling System

Establishing  True Relationship with Your Customer

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