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Chief DATA Marketer

Best practices in prospecting & mining customer data

from the editors of Chief Marketer, PROMO and DIRECT

November 4, 2013

Chief WEB Marketer
How to Build Loyalty with “Next Best” Customers
Breaking Down Silos to Build a Better Marketing Team
Chief Marketer Listline

How to Build Loyalty with “Next Best” Customers

By Rodney Mason

loyaltySure, loyalty programs cater to a brand's best customers. But the greatest opportunities for increased sales can often be found in a brand's "next best" customers. 

Breaking Down Silos to Build a Better Marketing Team

By Craig Conard

builderWant to strengthen your team? Consider cross-training, where you can expose individuals to various sub-disciplines that strengthen their overall knowledge.

Chief Marketer Listline

By Casey McClay

Screen Shot 2013-11-01 at 5.37.23 PMEach week, Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include DoggyLoot and Paula Young.

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