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Chief Marketer - This Week

The week's most relevant content from around the web and why it's important.

from the editors of Chief Marketer, and DIRECT

April 24, 2013

Chief DIRECT Marketer
Tips & Tricks for Making the Most of Your Lists and Data
Getting Ready for a New Ecommerce Platform
Heineken USA’s CMO on Pulling Brands out of the Ditch with a Challenger Mentality
Denny’s CMO on Stopping its Sales Free Fall
Expedia CruiseShipCenters Boosts Email ROI
Chief Marketer Listline April 18
3 Missed Opportunities in Customer Loyalty
Experience Marketing is the New Integrated Marketing Model
The Future of Smart Content for Marketing
A B2B Social Media Crash Course on Generating Leads

Tips & Tricks for Making the Most of Your Lists and Data

By admin

Information is the one of the most important resources a marketer has today.In this Tip Sheet learn: Ideas for stopping survey fatigue to gather more (and better) customer data Why email data availability is on the rise How to leverage big social data Why data integration is a key tech need in 2013 Sponsored by:


Getting Ready for a New Ecommerce Platform

By admin

cart-keys-595Post-launch business readiness is a serious issue when implementing a new ecommerce system.


Heineken USA’s CMO on Pulling Brands out of the Ditch with a Challenger Mentality

By Patricia Odell

NC595Heineken USA is marketing in an incredibly competitive environment overflowing with low–growth categories and competitors owning some of the largest ad spends out there. When Lesya Lysyi joined Heineken USA several years ago as its chief marketing officer, two forces were reshaping the beer category—consumer media consumption habits and the craft beer movement—that caused the [...]


Denny’s CMO on Stopping its Sales Free Fall

By Patricia Odell

Dennys595By 2010, Denny Corp.’s same-store sales had been in a free fall for at least four years. The number of customers coming to its restaurants had been declining for 20 years. The company had withstood several bankruptcies and a nasty lawsuit. It was challenged by a ton of competition and the recent recession only aggravated [...]


Expedia CruiseShipCenters Boosts Email ROI

By Beth Negus Viveiros

Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 1.24.06 PMIncreased segmentation and targeting has helped Expedia CruiseShipCenters boost email open and clickthrough rates.


Chief Marketer Listline April 18

By Chris DeMartine

full-beauty-595Lists featured this week include and JSM 2013 Conference Attendees.


3 Missed Opportunities in Customer Loyalty

By Michael Greenberg

missed-opportunities595Customer loyalty is an incredibly lucrative opportunity for brands, yet marketers still struggle to maximize their relationships with existing customers even though recent research from Forrester shows that 93% of companies have placed customer experience on their list of strategic priorities, with 28% claiming it as their top priority. Clearly brands understand the value of [...]


Experience Marketing is the New Integrated Marketing Model

By Sarah Eck-Thompson and Brook Jay

experience-life-595Three forces in the market have come together to create a perfect storm that’s rendered traditional approaches to integrated marketing passé. Here's what you need to know.


The Future of Smart Content for Marketing

By Andrew Thomas

red-fire-computer-595GPS has come a long way since it was first introduced as American military technology in 1973. Today, you’ll find it embedded in a variety of commercial uses, due mainly in part to companies like Garmin and TomTom that pioneered consumer GPS devices for boats and cars. The technology is now small enough to be included [...]


A B2B Social Media Crash Course on Generating Leads

By Brian Aloisio

A B2B Social Media Crash Course on Generating Leads Learn how to create compelling content, generate leads, and accurately measure your social ROI. Register for this Webinar Now


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