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Chief Promo Marketer

Uncovering the metrics and meanings behind the most innovative campaigns.

from the editors of Chief Marketer

November 19, 2013

Promo Xtra
Building Your Super Social Media Team
The Fast-changing Role of Creative Director: Q&A
Hispanic Trends / Recommendations for CPGs and Retailers: Study

Building Your Super Social Media Team

By Jason Hahn

Chief Marketer Social Media Team Infographic

This infographic lays out who should be doing what in your social media plan.


The Fast-changing Role of Creative Director: Q&A

By Patricia Odell

creative director

Laura Johnston, executive creative director for Geometry Global Chicago, discusses the widely expanded role of the creative director.


Hispanic Trends / Recommendations for CPGs and Retailers: Study

By Patricia Odell

grocery shopping

AMG Strategic Advisors provides a detailed look at the Hispanic shopper and recommendations to take to improve relationships with this demographic.


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Bridging the Gap Between Television and the Internet

Five Questions About Managing Social Media that You Should Ask Your Agency

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