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Chief Promo Marketer

Uncovering the metrics and meanings behind the most innovative campaigns.

from the editors of Chief Marketer

March 07, 2014

Promo Xtra
Marketers Feel Unprepared to Manage Big Data: IBM Study
Social Complaints on the Rise
Marketing Wizardry Pulled Hostess Back from the Brink
How Grocers Transform Traditional Shopping Habits with Digital
Budgets Shift To Content Marketing CMO’s Say

Marketers Feel Unprepared to Manage Big Data: IBM Study

By Patricia Odell

digital595IBM's CMO Study found that feeling the most under-prepared when it comes to the idea of Big Data rose to the top. Three main factors are in play to help.

Social Complaints on the Rise

By Patricia Odell

social isteningSocial listening plays a huge role in data collection, but if brands aren’t managing customer complaints, that hard work could all be for naught.

Marketing Wizardry Pulled Hostess Back from the Brink

By Patricia Odell

Twinkies prepare your cake faceRich Seban, president and COO, Hostess Brands, shares the marketing strategy and execution that pulled Hostess back from bankruptcy.

How Grocers Transform Traditional Shopping Habits with Digital

By admin

digital-retail_595 Three shopping habits grocers can digitize now to enhance loyalty and convenience during the grocery-buying journey.

Budgets Shift To Content Marketing CMO’s Say

By Patricia Odell

budgets595CMOs agree that content marketing is important to their business, and many expect to see a positive ROI from their content marketing efforts this year.

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