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Chief Promo Marketer

Uncovering the metrics and meanings behind the most innovative campaigns.

from the editors of Chief Marketer

December 17, 2013

Promo Xtra
Shooting Stars: 12 Brands to Watch in 2014
Duncan Hines Debuts Search-based, Responsive Site for Bakers
The Great Ritz Holiday Parade is a New Look for Ritz

Shooting Stars: 12 Brands to Watch in 2014

By Beth Negus Viveiros and Jason Hahn

hbo dragon 355Looking for inspiration in the new year? In this special report, Chief Marketer profiles 12 stellar brands that are doing it right.


Duncan Hines Debuts Search-based, Responsive Site for Bakers

By Patricia Odell

Duncan HInes Baker's ClubDuncan Hines has taken a radical approach to its new website for Bakers, straying far from the typical CPG website to a search-based, responsive design.


The Great Ritz Holiday Parade is a New Look for Ritz

By Patricia Odell

The Great Ritz Holiday ParadeThe Great Ritz Holiday Parade marks an new way for the butter cracker brand to market during the holiday season.


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