This fall, the third-annual and now supersized and supercharged EventTech comes to Las Vegas. This is the world’s only conference and exposition focused on using social media and technology to optimize events and trade shows.
Register today at! |
Marketing Plan Template: Exactly What to Include
By Dave Lavinsky (Chicago Tribune)
You need a marketing plan that identifies everything from: 1) who your target customers are, to 2) how you will reach them, to 3) how you will retain your customers so they repeatedly buy from you. Here's a look at the 15 key sections you need to include in your marketing plan.
How to Optimize Your Email Subject Lines: 4 Ideas
By Margaret Farmakis (Return Path)
Subject lines, while not exactly the sexiest element, do a lot of heavy lifting for emails, which is why they deserve sufficient attention and care. Marketers should do four key things to optimize their subject lines.

Accelerating the Sales Cycle with Content Marketing and Video
Oct 10 2013 @ 2:00 p.m. ET
Get insights on content marketing trends in 2014, hear examples from Oracle, Puma and Symantec how marketing innovators are using video to convert more site visitors into revenue, and get tactical strategies for using video to build strong customer relationships!
Sign up now!

Making Mobile Personal: Increasing Leads and Conversions with Contextual, Individualized Mobile Experiences
Free Webinar On Demand
Deliver a contextual mobile experience, and can quickly turn mobile visitors into customers! In this webinar you’ll learn how to quickly and easily supercharge your mobile efforts.
Click here now!
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