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Chief Marketer - This Week

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from the editors of Chief Marketer

June 6, 2014

Chief DIRECT Marketer
Do you Know What Twitter Cards are? 8 Types for your Business
Popular Styles of “Explainer” Videos
5 Elements for Successful Social Media Campaigns
FTC Calls for Restrictions on Consumer Data Collection
Pinterest Offers Self-Serve Promoted Pins
Looking for a Marketing Automation Provider? Here’s 3 Things You Need to Know

Do you Know What Twitter Cards are? 8 Types for your Business

By Kristi Hines (SocialMedia Examiner)

twitter followersTwitter cards enrich your tweets with additional content, media and calls to action. This article shares eight types of Twitter cards, what they look like, how to install them and their analytics options.


Popular Styles of “Explainer” Videos

By Douglas Karr (MarketingTechBlog)

AnimatedVideos595Animated videos capture consumer’s attention and are effective ways to explain a product or service or what your business does. Sometimes called, explainer videos, this article offers a list of the most popular styles along with recommendations about each of them.


5 Elements for Successful Social Media Campaigns

By Debbie Hemley (SocialMediaExaminer)

B2B social mediaThis report outline five steps to take to make sure you’re not missing key elements in your social media marketing campaigns. Each step includes examples from a campaign Whole Foods Market used when they opened a new store in Memphis, TN, that you can put to good use too.


FTC Calls for Restrictions on Consumer Data Collection

By Robert Faturechi (LA Times)

datacollection595A recent report by the Federal Trade Commission wants laws on the books that would require data brokers to restrict data collection and be more transparent. The FTC seems to be focusing on data categories that put consumers into buckets based on ethnicity and income levels. Here’s what you need to know.


Pinterest Offers Self-Serve Promoted Pins

By Douglas Karr (WSJ Digits)

Pinterest Place PinsPinterest is taking on the Big Boys, rolling out new paid “promoted pin” messages that will rival Google and Facebook. This new self-service offer will play well with smaller businesses that can’t afford the larger display ads Pinterest now offers.


Looking for a Marketing Automation Provider? Here’s 3 Things You Need to Know

By Ben Plomion (ClickZ)

marketing automationFinding a marketing automation provider is not easy. There are so many choices and unforeseen issues at play, like long contracts. Here are three things to consider from someone who’s been there before making that all-important choice.


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