5 Tips to Make Video Marketing Work Hard for Your Brand
By Seeth Price (MarketingProfs)
Are you in the mix? YouTube users watch more than 6 billion hours of video per month and users flock to short-form video, a nice platform for brands to push out snack-size bites of content. Here’s five tips to help you ring up sales and build brand awareness using video.
How do You Stack up in Content Marketing: Infographic
By Douglas Karr (MarketingTechBlog)
Every marketer talks about it and more companies are doing it, but what exactly are they doing and how effective are their strategies? Here’s a look at the current state of content marketing, including key trends and challenges.
A Guide to Stealing Competitor’s Facebook Fans
By Neil Patel (QuickSprout)
Facebook isn’t just one of the most popular sites on the web. It’s also a great place to gain new customers. But when you are starting from scratch, it can be difficult to grow your Facebook audience. So, the question is: where do you start? The easiest way to build your Facebook fans is to start by stealing your competitor’s fans.
4 Ways to Avoid Social Media Blunders
By Amy Neeley (MarketingProfs)
We’ve seem them go down in flames. Fiery wrecks just because someone wasn't paying attention or was a little to over-the-top. Silly mistakes on social media often turn into PR nightmares. Amy helps us all out here with four solid tips to avoid making those often embarrassing mistakes
5 Killer Tips to Improve Content Marketing
By Brian Dean (SearchEngineWatch)
We share a lot of great tips in this newsletter about content marketing and this article is no exception. With big brands going all-in with content marketing, the competition has never been fiercer. Make some noise with these five techniques that flat out get results.
Skills Marketers Need to Fill the Talent Gap
By Mary Velan (Business 2 Community)
As companies place more emphasis on data collection, analysis and implementation, it is key for marketing professionals to understand the importance of analytics and learn how to incorporate new skills into their daily practices. This article offers research on the most desirable skills marketers need to fill the gap and why there’s a gap. It then changes up to discuss why call-tracking technology is a valuable (analytical) asset.

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