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from the editors of Chief Marketer

September 20, 2013

Chief DIRECT Marketer
‪Data-Driven Marketing Step Two: Tear Down The Silos …
First Lady Urges Marketing of Healthy Food to Kids
Why All Marketers Should Be Growth Hackers
Get Rid of These 4 Terms From Your Marketing Vocabulary
5 Ways for Retailers to Improve Customer Retention
The 4 Keys to Successful Mobile Marketing for Retailers

‪Data-Driven Marketing Step Two: Tear Down The Silos …

By Lisa Arthur (

data-driven marketingA recent study showed that most marketers believe silos -- both internal and external to marketing -- prevent them from effectively executing campaigns. Here are four ways you can break down internal and external silos by priming both the communication and execution channels.


First Lady Urges Marketing of Healthy Food to Kids

By Darlene Superville (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Michele Obama American GrownMichelle Obama used the power of her bully pulpit Wednesday to push food companies and television broadcasters to do more to promote healthier foods to children -- and to do it faster.



Why All Marketers Should Be Growth Hackers

By Dan Schawbel (

Growth Hacker MarketingThis author recently spoke to Ryan Holiday, who has written a new book called "Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and Advertising." The book explains how traditional marketing isn't as effective anymore and why growth hacking is a cheaper and more effective way of getting your products visibility and customers.


Get Rid of These 4 Terms From Your Marketing Vocabulary

By Dan Stasiewski (Kuno Creative)

Stop buzzwordsThe world of marketing is filled with buzzwords that tend to have little meaning and distract from more important things. “Marketing automation,” “keyword rank,” “link building” and “humanize” are four terms that marketers should drop from their vocabulary.



5 Ways for Retailers to Improve Customer Retention

By Francois Bondiguel (Growmap)

Happy customerCompanies spend plenty of money to get more customers, but not enough of them are investing enough resources to keep the customers they’ve already earned. Here are five steps to improve customer retention.



The 4 Keys to Successful Mobile Marketing for Retailers

By Steve Schuler (Yahoo Advertising)

Mobile retailAdvertisers need to respond to the increasing demand for more personalized mobile experiences. Online-to-offline mobile retail campaigns have to be localized, personalized and measured. These three elements must be blended together to create mobile campaigns consumers will love.


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Global Digital Audience Report, April to June 2013

The CMO's Guide to Beating the Engagement Crisis

Social Selling in B2B 

Related Events

PRO Awards Gala Oct. 1, 2013
Haley Mills Theater

New York City
All-new event for agency executives: PRO Awards Gala; Market Trends Presentation; Agency of the Future Session
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