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June 14, 2013

Chief DIRECT Marketer
5 Tips to Boost Mobile Conversions
Consumers Numb to Personalization: Report
Facebook Hashtags: What Marketers Need to Know
American Airlines Marketer on Ramping up Social Media
Foursquare My History Feature Recommends Places Based on History
Don’t Mistake Loyalty for Total Brand Trust

5 Tips to Boost Mobile Conversions

Mahi de Silva (Harvard Business Review)

mobile conversionSome companies can benefit from a mere interaction or click on a mobile ad, but others (e.g., education, automotive, restaurants, etc.) only benefit if a user fills out a form, calls to schedule an appointment or gets directions, among other actions. Performance advertisers looking to improve mobile conversions should check out this article.


Consumers Numb to Personalization: Report

Ayaz Nanji (Marketing Profs)

personalizationSome 63% of consumers report that personalization is so common that they’ve grown numb to it, while 33% said superficial personalization is one of their top annoyances, according to a report from the Economist Intelligence Unit and Lyris. Here's what you need to know to improve your marketing.


Facebook Hashtags: What Marketers Need to Know

(Facebook Studio)

Facebook hashtagsThis week, Facebook officially unveiled functional Facebook hashtags for people and businesses on the social network to discover and engage in the conversations around the 4.75 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook each day. Hashtags are now available to a small percentage of people and pages on Facebook, and Facebook will roll them out more broadly in the coming weeks. As part of the announcement, the company offered four tips for marketers:



American Airlines Marketer on Ramping up Social Media

By Patricia Odell

american airlines social media campaignAmerican Airlines has found that social media channels allow it to tell customers a more relevant brand story, moving messaging from just a product sell to reveal a much more in-depth character behind the brand. Johnathan Pierce, director of social media, shares the strategy.


Foursquare My History Feature Recommends Places Based on History

John McDermott (Ad Age)

Foursquare has partnered with Samsung for My History, a new feature that will provide users with individualized heat maps to receive recommendations on places to visit based on where they’ve checked in before. The maps are branded with Samsung’s logo for its latest high-end smartphone the Galaxy S4. The partnership is reportedly worth seven figures for Foursquare. Here’s what you need to know.


Don’t Mistake Loyalty for Total Brand Trust


Participation in loyalty programs should not be mistaken for total brand trust. These are transactional relationships at the core, and brands must be sensitive to how they can provide mutually beneficial rewards that don’t tread too far on consumers’ private lives. This article offers recent research on loyalty to help marketers.


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