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Chief Marketer Tech Talk

Leveraging Marketing Technology to Achieve Measurable Results

March 20, 2014

Chief Tech Talk Marketer

Q&A: Enova’s DeCosmo on Analytics Tech Trends

Patrick Gorman


1Chief Marketer recently talked with Joe DeCosmo, the new chief analytics officer at Enova.


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Tech Trends: Wearables, WhatsApp, Instagram and Beacons

Patricia Odell


mercedes-pebble-355At the recent ANA Brand Master Conference, Mashable’s senior technology analyst Christina Warren shared the what, why and how of three top tech trends all marketers should have top of mind.


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How to Automate Lead Verification



automation-gears-355Over the last couple of years, there has been a shift in lead generation away from focusing on just lead quantity towards a model that emphasizes quality.


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Technology Tools for Streamlining Online Marketing



technology595Effective use of technology is a must in order to efficiently produce, distribute, and service products as well as maintain high levels of customer service and engagement.


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Tips for Better Triggered Online Campaigns



Web analyticsHere are six tips for improving your triggered marketing efforts, both locally and globally.


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