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Chief Business Marketer

B2B Marketing Insights, Ideas, Tips and Trends

July 25, 2013

Chief Business Marketer
B2B Marketing Becomes More Content Driven
2013 Chief Marketer B2B Prospecting Survey
Q&A: Why Marketing ROI is Ongoing Process
Mind the Digital Marketing Gap: New Findings
Building a B2B Loyalty Program With B2C Tactics


B2B Marketing Becomes More Content Driven

By Jason Hahn

technology595Modern-day B2B marketing is more inbound than before, and it depends more on content and less on marketing collateral. This means B2B companies need to repurpose their resources from old-world plays to content-driven marketing that supports the buying process. Learn why from Tyson Robers of Yesler.
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2013 Chief Marketer B2B Prospecting Survey

By Beth Negus Viveiros

In our annual survey of B2B marketers’ lead generation habits, learn which types of media are getting the best prospecting results, the challenges of social media in B2B lead gen, where B2B firms are investing their prospecting dollars, the continued popularity of email in finding new B2B prospects and more.

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Q&A: Why Marketing ROI is Ongoing Process

By Jason Hahn

lenskoldThe perform-or-die pressure of proving marketing ROI can cause the collective shoulders of a company’s marketing team to tense up. But in reality, marketing ROI is relatively simple math. B2B LeadsCon speaker Jim Lenskold of The Lenskold Group explains why.

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Building a B2B Loyalty Program With B2C Tactics

By Bryan Pearson

Happy TeamThere is no barrier keeping B2B loyalty programs from accessing consumer marketers’ relationship-building resources. In this exclusive excerpt from "The Loyalty Leap for B2B," discover the steps towards building a strong B2B loyalty initiative.

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