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Chief Business Marketer

B2B Marketing Insights, Ideas, Tips and Trends

April 8, 2014

Chief Business Marketer
Developing Sophisticated Lead Scoring
Content Sharing Impacts Vendor Selection: Study
Do You Have a True B2B Marketing/Sales Partnership?
Big Spike in Marketing Technology Use by Progressive B2B Companies
LeadsCon New York Call for Speakers


Developing Sophisticated Lead Scoring

By Frans Van Hulle

lead capture campaignsThe importance of lead verification and scoring have increased greatly in recent years. Learn the advantages to an effective lead scoring model for your organization.
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Content Sharing Impacts Vendor Selection: Study

By Beth Negus Viveiros

content-thinkingB2B buyers are increasingly relying on third-party information to help make purchasing decisions, according to new research from the CMO Council. Discover how you should adapt your content marketing strategy to take advantage of this trend.

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Do You Have a True B2B Marketing/Sales Partnership?

By Beth Negus Viveiros

hands-355Over half of B2B marketing and sales departments think they have a great working partnership—but in reality that isn’t the case, according to new research from Sparks Gtrove and Econsultancy.

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Big Spike in Marketing Technology Use by Progressive B2B Companies

By Mathew Sweezey

Technology595B2B companies are employing marketing automation technology than ever. A new report outlines what you need to know.

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LeadsCon New York Call for Speakers

By Beth Negus Viveiros

LeadsCon-logo-355Have ideas on lead acquisition, nurturing, retention and other topics related to lead generation? Want to share? The LeadsCon New York call for B2B and B2C speakers is open.

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