
Beth Negus Viveiros

  • List Appending 101: Tips to Remember

    Just as marketers are always looking to new vehicles for expanded communication delivery, so too do we need to start looking at new ways of expanding the almost limitless possibilities of our data and appending procedures. Here’s a primer on three ways you can add value to your list with appended data.

  • Four Ways Cloud Marketing Can Save Today’s Marketer

    When Samuel Coleridge wrote “water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink” about the ancient mariner’s thirst on the open sea, he also captured the irony many marketers today face about their marketing intelligence.

    Marketers are also surrounded by an ocean—one of data pouring in from all directions, both disparate channels and enterprise-wide. And while the mariner was surrounded by salt water unfit to drink, marketers are frustrated that much of the information surrounding them is unavailable for marketing purposes. But where the old sailor could only pray for wind or rain, marketers can look to The Cloud.

  • Transform Your Customer Database Into a Goldmine

    From the classical Greco-Roman world through the later parts of the medieval periods, there have always been humans who practiced alchemy, the quest to turn ordinary base metals into gold. As it became clear that such a process was for all intents and purposes impossible, the practice faded from the scene. However, the perception that something of limited value can be repurposed in such a way that it can exponentially increase its value remains alive and well. In this instance, call it alchemy in the form of the customer database.

  • Why Marketing, Not IT Should Control the Marketing Database, (Part 2)

    In Part 1 of this article I made the point that IT departments almost always think they can—and should—be responsible for the marketing database.

  • In Email, Breaking Up is Easy to Do for Consumers

    Chip House, senior director of relationship marketing, ExactTarget, notes that in recent research his company has done with 1,500 consumers about why they “break up” with a brand’s email communications, the reason is usually because of the marketer’s behavior.

  • B-to-B Data, Automation Benefits Available For Marketers Willing To Do Legwork

    Bernice Grossman has a message for business-to-business marketers starting to explore the mobile and social media channels: Slow down, and review some fundamental data opportunities which are largely being overlooked.

  • Best Practices: Treat Your Email Recipients Like Customers, Not Strangers

    Want to get a positive response to your email communications and insure they get delivered? Then make sure you’re treating your recipients like valued customers.

  • Responsys Look Book Showcases the Best of Email Design

    Email creative that is personalized, mobile-friendly and triggered to customer behavior was the common factor in the 2011 Responsys Email Design Look Book.

  • Making the Most of Leads From Trade Shows

    In today’s challenging economic environment, not following up on tradeshow lead data is really inexcusable. It is expensive—really expensive—to be an exhibitor at a show. And whether your tradeshow exhibitor investment will net a profit or a loss all depends on how the lead data is capture and used.

  • Automated Data Systems: Why the Human Touch and Quality Control Matter

    Faced with tighter schedules, more information than ever to manage and greater expectations from upper management, many marketers are turning to automated data-marketing systems.