
Beth Negus Viveiros

  • Tips for Better Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

    Fortunately for retailers working to increase their percentage of the estimated $873 to $877 billion in total holiday sales, setting up email marketing for holiday shoppers takes less time than it does to untangle the lights and unpack the ornaments. Here’s some tips to put together an effective holiday email campaign.

  • How Concerned Are Clients About Reduced Mail Delivery?

    Welcome to Broker Roundtable, where each week we ask list brokers to give their opinions on issues that matter to the marketing community. This week’s question: How concerned are your clients about the prospect of reduced mail delivery?

  • What Ethnic Groups Will Be Lucrative for DMers?

    Welcome to Broker Roundtable, where each week we ask list brokers to give their opinions on issues that matter to the marketing community. This week’s question: Going forward, what ethnic groups or segments do you see as lucrative for direct marketers?

  • Email Tricks and Treats

    One of the best parts of Halloween was always dumping out the Trick or Treat bag at the end of the night, to see what kind of haul you got. I did the same with my inbox this morning. Here’s what I found. The Natick Collection sent an email invite to …

  • St. Benedict Press Tries Magalogs, Email, Social to Reach Catholics

    St. Benedict Press is using a combination of magalogs, social media and email marketing to reach a new audience beyond its house file.

  • Is Traditional Media Still Important?

    Welcome to Broker Roundtable, where each week we ask list brokers to give their opinions on issues that matter to the marketing community. This week’s question: As online and mobile media continue to grow, are traditional media like package inserts, statement stuffers, door hangars and the like still important name sources?

  • Hearst, Experian Team Up To Model And Score Commitment

    When a marketer delivers goods in advance of payment, as in a “bill me” situation, there is a greater possibility of a lack of commitment on the prospect’s part. And that can result in higher levels of non-paying customers. Unfortunately for magazine publishers, bill me options for subscription requests are fairly standard.

    For Hearst Magazines, the challenge was establishing a web-based system that evaluates subscription requestors on the fly, allowing good prospects to sail through the subscription process easily while providing just enough of a barrier for online prospects who are riskier.

  • How Database Marketing Can Turn Companies Around

    “Moneyball,” the current hit movie based on Michael Lewis’ 2003 book by the same name, is a story that has two important lessons for direct and database marketers.

  • Email Watch: Volvo Vamps It Up with “Twilight”

    A few months ago, apropos of nothing, my 86-year-old mother turned to me and said “You know, I don’t think that much of that Lady Gaga.” “Well Mom,” I replied, “that’s fine, since you’re not really her target demographic anyway.” She looked at me a …

  • Broker Roundtable: Potential Legislation Restricting Marketers

    Welcome to Broker Roundtable, where each week we ask list brokers to give their opinions on issues that matter to the marketing community. This week’s question: With the election year coming up, how much more restrictive legislation do you foresee that could affect marketers?