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Chief Marketer This Week November 17, 2017
11 Tips to Sprinkle a Little Glitter on Holiday Marketing
Sprinkling a dash of glitter throughout your holiday marketing campaigns and packaging is not only timely, but it works. More…
A Cruise Line Sets Sail with Unique Email Personalizations
Celebrity Cruises dug deep to develop emails truly unique to each loyalty member. As a result, it sailed off into a very impressive return on its investment. More…
Ally Bank Flys a Drone in a Mall and the CMO Weighs In
Ally Bank CMO Andrea Riley on the disruptive marketing strategy she put in place two years ago and why the drone activation worked. More…

NASCAR Driver Asks: Where are the Tampon Sponsors ?
Even though NASCAR fans are close to 40% women, NASCAR sponsors are noticeably light on any brands or products that specifically target females. Hmmm ... wonder why?  More…
Four Event Marketing Metrics That Matter
With the emergence of digital marketing platforms, too many marketers are evaluating their event marketing campaigns through marketing performance indicators like views or clicks, rather than business metrics. More…

DSW Casts off Omnichannel in Favor of New Tech
In a candid, wide-ranging interview, Brian Seewald, VP digital at DSW, talks about how he is shaping marketing to meet the needs and expectations of today's changing retail environs. More…

Job Opportunities

Creative Media Manager-Producer
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Senior Product Marketing Manager, A Leader In Our Changing Healthcare
New Dimensions in Technology, Inc., Lexington, MA

Marketing Manager
National Strength and Conditioning Association, CO

KOIN TV, Portlandf, OR
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