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Chief Marketer This Week May 26, 2017
Forget About Renting a Room, Airbnb Hosts Sweden's Archipelagoes and Vast Waterways
The "Sweden on Airbnb"—"Free to Roam" campaign lists the country's vast public lands in the same style as a homeowner would post a listing. More…
Riding on Success, Special K Brings “Own It” Campaign Stateside
After watching sales rise in Canada and Australia, Kellogg brought its Special K "Own It" campaign to the U.S. The campaign calls for women to ditch self-doubt around body image and own what they eat and how they exercise.. More…
Hollister Launches Docu-Series on AwesomenessTV
The series follows seven high-school students as they wend through the school year and spend the summer traveling, listening to music and having fun. And ... the clothes the cast wears is, of course, Hollister and can be purchased on social. More…

Advertisers Simplify Agency Compensation Models
Advertisers paying agencies by labor and time is losing steam in favor of a percentage of advertising spend as advertisers look to simplify agency compensation. A new report from the ANA gives you what you need to know. More…
Tom Fishburne Toons Into the Funny Side of Marketing
Tom Fishburne—aka the Marketoonist—poked fun at the current state of marketing at the recent Martech conference. It's a hoot!  More…

Bud Reprises Controversial “America” Summer Campaign
When Budweiser poured its summer “America” campaign over the country last year, it was fraught with controversy. But it isn't giving up. This summer, the "America is in Your Hands" campaign features labels modified to include words and phrases central to American history, like lyrics from "The Star Spangled Banner." More…

Job Opportunities

Advancement Marketing Manager
Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY

Partnership Marketing Manager
Randstad Technologies, San Bruno, CA

Manager, Event Management and Production
Turner, Houston, TX
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