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Chief Marketer This Week April 14, 2017
4 Ways to Turn Mobile Marketing into a Customer Service
U.S. adults will use their mobile apps 2 hours and 25 minutes per day; a 10.3% increase. Here are 4 ways to turn mobile marketing into a customer service. More…
Is that Warren Buffett on a Can of Cherry Coke? 
In Warren Buffet circles, it’s well known that he likes—even loves—Cherry Coke. It is also well known that his company, Berkshire Hathaway, is Coke’s largest single shareholder. A new campaign takes flight in China.  More…
Influencer Manager: A New Role at Publishers
Is this job for you? The duties of the influencer manager—with attractive salaries—vary from developing influencer relationships to strategizing and creating brand content. More…

April the Giraffe and Toys 'R' Us Set YouTube on Fire
A very pregnant April the Giraffe opened up an unprecedented marketing opportunity for Toys 'R' Us and its mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe. And, we're all waiting ... and waiting ...  More…
McDonald's to Track Eating Habits
A mobile ordering system will track every burger you eat, every salad you order, and whether you ordered those meals in-restaurant or at the drive-thru. More…

Behind the Scenes of Marriott’s Snapisodes with Amanda Moore
Amanda Moore, senior director, social and digital marketing, loyalty at Marriott, on why the team chose Snapchat for this campaign, the goals, metrics and early results. More…

Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager
Association for Talent Development—Alexandria, VA

Marketing Director
Vertical, Inc.—New York

Enbrel Multi-Channel Marketing Manager
Amgen—Thousand Oaks, CA

Marketing Manager
Neinet—Lincoln, NE

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