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Chief Marketer This Week October 13, 2017
Coach Rebrands as Tapestry
After months of work to find a new corporate name, the CEO is concerned that Tapestry—the word—might be viewed as old-fashioned. More…
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for “Exploiting” Disaster in Puerto Rico
Facebook used the devastation of Puerto Rico by hurricane Maria on Sept. 18 to advertise the company’s new virtual reality platform. More…
Evolve or Perish: Walmart CMO Tony Rogers Says
Rogers challenged marketers to evolve their businesses, their brand and themselves as marketers using examples from his own work at Walmart. More…

When Revenue Flatlined, St. Jude Turned it Around with Research
A new look at insights and a strong determination to help children live set St. Jude's on a trajectory to increased donations. More…
Dove, Stick Up for Yourself
A new ad from Dove was lambasted as racist, but I understood the message. More…

Plans to Rebrand MGM Halted After Las Vegas Attack
Lili Tomovich, CMO, MGM International, on resetting after the attacks and how it evolved to a new brand identity that kicked started its stock price. More…

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Marketing Manager, Academic Program
The New School, NY

Marketing Manager
HP – Bracknell, NA, United Kingdom

Trade & Shopper Marketing Manager
HP – NA, Singapore

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