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Chief Promo Marketer December 29, 2015
Engaging Millennials With Experiential Marketing: 4 Tips
Looking to introduce a new experiential program aimed at millennials—or to amp up an existing campaign? Here are four tips that reflect the unique mindset of millennial consumers. More…
In-Store or Online: Millennials Appreciate Holiday Shopping Experiences
A new survey from LoyaltyOne finds that Millennials like to be engaged through in-store holiday shopping experiences. More…
Multicultural Mindset: Special Report
How brands are creating strategies to connect with ethnically diverse Millennial audience segments. More…

Heineken “Cities” Campaign Lights Up SF Bay Bridge
Heineken has added another notch in it "Cities" campaign, which partners with big cities across the U.S. for special events that enhance the cityscape. More…
Influencer Marketing – 2015 Trends & What's Ahead in 2016
It’s been a wild year for influencer marketing as marketers realize big impacts. Here's how influencer marketing went and where it's going. More…

Advice for Creating a Beautiful Agency-Client Relationship
Any romance expert will tell you that the key to a good relationship is communication. The same holds true for successful agency/client pairings. We asked agency leaders from several of our B2B and PROMO Top Shops what clients could do… More…

Job Opportunities

Pacific Northwest CMT Marketing Manager
Accenture, Seattle, WA

Pacific Northwest CMT Marketing Manager
Accenture, Seattle, WA

Accenture Academy Marketing Manager
Accenture, Atlanta, NA

Accenture Academy Marketing Manager
Accenture, NA

Electronics and High Technology Industry Marketing Manager
Accenture, San Francisco, CA

Channel and Product Marketing Manager
Aspire Financial Services, Tampa, FL
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