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Chief Marketer Direct
December 2, 2014


Old Spaghetti Factory Gets Local With Social
The Old Spaghetti Factory is targeting its Facebook fans with specialized messages and offers based on their location. The personalized attention is boosting ROI and increasing customer transactions.
Reviews Help Friskies SEO Performance
Purina Friskies knows that improved search results are good for business, so it decided to focus on leveraging customer reviews as part of its SEO strategy.
Using Data and Marketing Tech to Reach Empowered Customers
Companies like Kellogg's, Audi and Equinox are using marketing tech to engage customers across multiple channels. Siddharth Taparia shares how brands are using information to help improve the customer path to purchase.
Special Report: Creating and Curating Engaging Content
Leveraged properly, creative content can level the online playing field for marketers of all sizes. In this Chief Marketer Special Report, discover how brands like Pillsbury and Red Vines are using content to engage with customers and boost ROI.

Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager Beauty GFO Neutrogena North America
Johnson & Johnson, Los Angeles, CA

Search Engine Marketing Manager
Big Fish Games, Seattle, WA

Marketing Manager
Cabela's, Lubbock, TX

Email Marketing Manager, San Diego, CA

Audience Marketing Mananger
Informa Exhibitions, Phoenix, AZ

Digital Marketing Manager
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association,
Frederick, MD

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How to Add Personality To You Customer Engagement Campaign
Customers are being influenced by external factors and deciding unilaterally when to interact with a company or a brand. In order to remain relevant, companies must embrace a customer-centric approach to engagement.

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