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Chief Marketer Direct
December 16, 2014


2015 Social Trends to Watch
Look for increased personalization, more metrics and bigger spends in social media marketing for 2015.
Big Spending On Marketing Tech Acquisitions
There have been almost $6.2 billion in marketing tech acquisition deals in just the last three months, including $768.3 million in new funding for early-, middle-, and late-stage start-ups.
SEO Upgrades Help DickiesStore
DickiesStore has seen big results since focusing on improving its SEO tactics.
Refocusing Social Measurement with Objective-Driven Analytics
We’ve come a long way from comparing whose fan base is bigger, but the debate between relational and positional metrics persists

Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager Beauty GFO Neutrogena North America
Johnson & Johnson, Los Angeles, CA

Search Engine Marketing Manager
Big Fish Games, Seattle, WA

Marketing Manager
Cabela's, Lubbock, TX

Email Marketing Manager, San Diego, CA

Audience Marketing Mananger
Informa Exhibitions, Phoenix, AZ

Digital Marketing Manager
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association,
Frederick, MD

Related Content

5 Trends Shaping the Way Marketers Work Now
Five cultural shifts are examined that are moving work and the workforce beyond the office and traditional work-day hours to a system in which we can truly begin to say, “We are our work.”

How to Add Personality To You Customer Engagement Campaign
Customers are being influenced by external factors and deciding unilaterally when to interact with a company or a brand. In order to remain relevant, companies must embrace a customer-centric approach to engagement.

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