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Chief Promo Marketer January 17, 2017
Go Fish: Contest Casts Goldfish Snacks as Video Stars
Goldfish crackers let loose hundreds, if not thousands, of its cheesy fish-shaped snacks for kids to cast as rising stars in stop-motion animation films. More…
Amazon Go: A Bold, Inevitable Retail Revolution
Amazon Go is a game-changer for retail overall. Here's why this model, which skips store checkout lines via a smartphone app, will work. More…
Five Considerations on the Health & Wellness Shopper Journey
"Credentialed” health and wellness influencers are effective in seeding brands along the health & wellness shopper journey. More…

Get the Scoop in Chief Marketer’s Super Book
Check out the digital edition of Chief Marketer's annual Super Book, featuring the PRO Awards, Top Shops and more! More…
How to Turn Paid Influencers into Real Marketing ROI
TapInfluence asked its influencer network what the most important factors were when developing a relationship with a brand. Their responses were surprising. More…

5 Tips to Effectively Communicate a Genuine Message on Video
Rescue Chocolate, the maker of dark chocolate goodies, used easy video-building tools and pre-existing content to bring a piece of video together in its own way. More…

6 Ways to Remain Competitive with Millennial Marketers
Marketers who have been around for awhile—you know who you are—need to dissect and adopt strategies that are working for the new breed of Millennial Marketers who view the industry—and their work—through a digitally native lens. More…

Job Opportunities

Marketing Director
Universal Laser Systems, Scottsdale, AZ

Markeing Director
Universal Laser Systems, Scottsdale, AZ

President and CEO
South Carolina ETV, Columbia, SC

Digital Operation Specialist Fluent in English and Spanish
TURNER, Atlanta, GA

Marketing Manager
LRP Publications, Horsham, PA

Product Marketing Manager, USCAN Women's Healthcare
General Electric, Wauwatosa
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