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Chief Marketer Direct
September 19, 2014


Keys to Creating Killer Content
Creating the right content that will draw potential customers in is step one in creating successful content marketing campaigns. This list of hacks was created to help marketers make sure they're creating and promoting the right content.

2014 Online Marketing Trends
Optimizing messages and campaigns for tablets and mobile devices has taken hold this year, and social media marketing has continued to diversify in 2014.

Educating Audiences for Lead Generation
Teaching audiences something they may not have know before selling them something is an effective way to build trust and boost conversions.

Marketers Use 100-Plus Software Solutions
Marketing technology guru and Ion Interactive CTO Scott Brinker says that marketers are now regularly using more than 100 software programs, either directly or indirectly related to their jobs.

Tips For Sharing Research-Based Content
Marketers should use research that first answers a common question to get people's attention, and also must decide what type of research they'd like to become known as a source for. Keeping messages simple and clear is also key.

How Data-Driven App Marketing Will Revolutionize User Acquisition
Data is an integral and constant component of any successful app marketing campaign.


Job Opportunities
Marketing Manager
Feeding America, Chicago, IL Marketing Director
Buckeye Power, Inc., Columbus, OH Marketing Manager
Natural Power, Stirling, Scotland Marketing Manager
FirstService Residential MN, Bloomington, MN Communications and Marketing Manager
American Association of Anatomists, Bethesda, MD
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This guide shows you some dependable ways to ensure your email is seen by the most eyes as possible. Explore compliance, reputation protection, list cleansing, targeting, and more. Don’t hit “send” without reading it first.
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