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Chief Marketer This Week June 19, 2015

Mosaic USA Takes Top Honors at 2015 PRO Awards Gala
The 2015 PRO Award Winners have been named—and what a group it is!! The Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mention winning campaigns are an extraordinary collection of amazing, innovative and REALLY fun promotional work that generated great results for the brands. Come on in and take a look at the case studies, creative images and videos!!


Smartphone Points at Shoes—Prices and Size Pop Up
A Ph. D student is working on a new marketing technology that combines a smartphone camera and sensor data to make sense of one's surroundings in real time. More…
A How-to on Using Video Marketing to Reel ‘Em In
Video marketing is more art than science. Here's seven ways to use the right type of video at the right time to increase traffic thoughout the sales cycle. More…

A Conversation with Home Depot’s Frank Blake
Frank Blake, the former Home Depot CEO, talks frankly about how he pulled the big-box retailer out of a sales slump. More…
Does Your Content Marketing Resonate?
This author shares ways to measure your content marketing by moving beyond the obvious metrics. It’s a must read! More…

Attention Marketers: Drop the F Bomb and Don’t Apologize
These 7 marketing lessons come from GoDaddy, K-Swiss, Starbucks, Lego, Nike and others are innovative, risky, fun and everlasting. More…

Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager PCS Mobility NAFTA
Bayer, Pittsburgh, PA

Marketing Manager
Sloane Partners, San Francisco, CA

Connumications/Online Marketing Manager
American Civil Liberties Union, New York, NY

Strategic Marketing Manager
GE Transportation, Sprinfield Central, AU

Fragrance Marketing Manager, Givenchy
LVMH Frangrance Brands, New York, NY

Marketing Manager
Kinetic Credit Union, Columbus, GA

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Personalization Trends: Connecting With Consumers as Individuals
Technology solutions focused on helping marketers get personal with consumers are designed to sort through data silos and get relevant, personalized messages in front of the right people at the right time. Whether its connecting with consumers via digital channels or mobile devices, or gauging their interests via social and reacting to data in real time, personalization is evolving quickly and smart marketers need to keep on top of the trends or risk being left behind.

Reason No. 1: Bring Order to Digital Marketing Chaos
Marketers must embrace technology, not be overwhelmed by it, if they want to keep up with the increasingly dynamic customer journey. Download this primer to learn the many ways tag management can benefit your organization and help drive powerful marketing results.

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