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Chief Marketer Direct
December 05, 2014


Content Personalization & Online Success
The ability to personalize content is becoming fundamental to online success in marketing, according to research from Ecoconsultancy and Adobe.

2014 Marketing Takeaways
Statistics culled from the past year show that consumers are in control of the purchase cycle and are doing more research online before making purchasing decisions, and successful marketers are providing them with content to support these trends.

Bringing Conent, Social & SEO Together
Marketers who leverage content marketing, social media and SEO strategy in concert are seeing big payoffs as a result.

Lead Generation Challenges
Generating leads can be challenging in the mobile age, and coming on too strong can turn customers off before they even learn what a brand has to offer.

Cross-Channel Attribution Trends
Cross-channel attribution is helping brands track marketing and media efforts more accurately and helping to show how they impact overall business.

More Than Half of Online Ads Not Viewable
Google this week released a study showing that 56.1 percent of online ads served on its display platforms may never have been actually seen by users seen due to viewability issues.


Job Opportunities
Senior Marketing Manager
Telerent Leasing Corp., Raleigh, NC

Marketing Manager
Bit Stew Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Regional Marketing Manager
Trunk Club, Chicago, IL

Marketing Director
Millikin University, Decatur, IL

Product Marketing Director
Infogroup, Papillion, NE

Circulation Marketing Manager EO Media Group, OR

Marketing Manager - Events
Enterprise Florida, Inc., Orlando, FL

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If having a successful Google SEO and PPC advertising strategy is important to your business, this eBook can help. It explains the value of tracking calls back to specific Google keywords, PPC ads and web pages.

Tracking Phone Leads: The Missing Piece of Marketing Automation
Phone leads are the most valuable to sales and when you can’t track phone leads back to specific campaigns, you can’t take credit for revenue. This paper explains how to track phone leads using voice-based marketing automation.

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