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Chief Marketer Direct
October 10, 2014


Social Spending for the Holidays
The holiday season is just around the corner, and research shows marketers will be spending big on advertising in the social media arena, and on Facebook in particular.

Online Marketing Myths Debunked
While not every marketing tactic may be the best fit for a business, that doesn’t mean certain tactics won’t work at all. Sage Island ceo and creative director Mike Duncan weighs on some of the biggest online marketing myths out there.

Creating a Video Marketing Plan
Coming up with a strategy on how to introduce video into your marketing mix is critical to success in the online video world.

New Content Marketing Strategies
There is more to content strategy than implementation alone, with new research showing that while adoption of content marketing has become prevalent across B2B organizations, the difference between good and great organizations revolves around documentation.

The ROI of Live Event Marketing
Learn how live events can drive purchases, how brand experiences create emotional connections with customers and how events can create important consumer engagement data and leads.

Leveraging Marketing Automation
Chief Marketer's Special Report on using marketing automation to deploy campaigns more effectively, target relevant recipients and save marketers time.


Job Opportunities
Marketing Manager
Herkules Equipment Corp., Walled Lake, MI

Senior Marketing Manager
SHAPE America, Reston, VA

Marketing Manager
Autoweek, Detroit, MI

Marketing Manager
IAAP, Kansas City, MO

Marketing Manager
University of Maryland, College Park, MD

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Marketers need to understand and prove how their ads, content, and campaigns are generating phone calls, impacting lead generation, and driving sales. Check out the “Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers” to learn more.
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