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Chief Marketer Direct
June 10, 2014

5 Elements for Successful Social Media Campaigns
Emily Lux, marketing team leader at Whole Foods, share information about its social media campaigns for this report.
Pinterest Offers Self-Serve Promoted Pins
Pinterest offers a new self-service paid option, "promoted pins" for businesses that don't have the dollars for large display ads.
Looking for a Marketing Automation Provider? Here’s 3 Things You Need to Know
Here are three things to consider when choosing a marketing automation provider.
Ideas to Steal, Networking: The 2014 PRO Awards Gala, June 25 NYC
Join us June 25 at the 2014 PRO Awards Gala. Get ideas to steal, make new friends and take a bucket load of tips back to the office.
Are You Using Tech Solutions to Boost Your Marketing ROI?
Chief Marketer invites you to enter the first annual Marketing ARC Awards by submitting your best marketing campaigns utilizing tech solutions.
FTC Calls for Restrictions on Consumer Data Collection
The FTC looked at data collected from nine brokers. One of its recommendations is to give consumers access to the data and the inferences based on the data.
Do you Know What Twitter Cards are? 8 Types for your Business
Do you wonder which Twitter Cards might be a fit for your business? Here's eight examples to help you figure it out.
Popular Styles of “Explainer” Videos
Eight top explainer videos and recommendations on how to use them for B2C or B2B marketing.

Job Opportunities

Sales/Marketing Director
Aegis Living, Kent, WA

Product Marketing Manager
BSI, Scottsdale, AZ

Marketing Manager
Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, IL

Marketing Manager
MetroPCS, West Covina, CA

Email Marketing Manager
Vantage Deluxe World Travel, Boston, MA

Marketing Manager
Russell Investments, Seattle WA

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Buyer's Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers
Marketers need to understand and prove how their ads, content, and campaigns are generating phone calls, impacting lead generation, and driving sales. Check out the “Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers” to learn more.

Forrester Report on Mobile Engagement
Forrester Research, Inc. says push notifications are the ideal tool, combining the unique benefits of mobile marketing: intimacy, immediacy and context. Push messaging enables marketers to offer more-relevant and personalized benefits to.

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