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Chief Marketer Direct
September 30, 2014


Big Data for Mobile Marketers
Big data isn’t strictly for traditional digital marketing campaigns—mobile marketers can take advantage of new avenues of information to better target relevant audiences and turn them into customers.
Sorting Out the Chaos of Marketing Tech Change
Companies like GameStop are facing new challenges as marketing solutions consumer more and more of their tech budgets.
4 Mobile & Tablet Best Practices for Customer Engagement and Sales
Location-based technology, AR and other tactics can bring your mobile marketing plan to life.
5 Steps for Assessing Marketing Technology Business Value
Having a blueprint in mind and clear success metrics are among the ways you can quantify the success of your marketing technology spending.
Special Report: B2B Content Marketing
Simply having B2B content isn't enough. To be successful, you need a plan. In this special report, discover: What you need for a winning content marketing strategy, ideas for creating the best content to promote your B2B event and more!
Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager, Gift Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA

Marketing Manager
Rocky Mountaineer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Marketing Manager
Chicago Architecture Biennial, Chicago, IL

Digital Marketing Manager
7-Eleven Canada Inc, Surrey, BC, Canada

Shopper Marketing Manager
Mars Petcare, Franklin, TN

Related Content

5 B2B Lead Nurturing Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Download this white paper to discover how to reach specific qualified prospects with customized content that drives measurable engagement.

Marketing Automation Simplified
This guide offers an introduction to the 5 Tenets of Modern Marketing, and breaks down the tips marketers need to automate and optimize data and targeting, email marketing, lead nurturing and scoring, content marketing, and sales/marketing alignment.

The Chief Marketer Network Source Directory
Offers easy access to all the leading products, technology and services available – searchable by type, geography and name.

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