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Chief Marketer Direct
September 2, 2014


Marketing Apps Get Users Engaged
Leveraging marketing apps is one way marketers can help optimize their web sites for lead generation purposes. Learn how these apps can boost user engagement and your ROI.
Three Trends for Gaining a Competitive Edge
What do you need to know to get ahead of the competition and differentate your brand? IBM and the Boston chapter of the AMA share three trends you need to know for better targeting.
Chief Marketer’s Annual B2B Lead Gen Survey
It’s no surprise that online channels are showing the largest growth for B2B lead generation in 2014. Download this special report for our exclusive survey results and discover what tech solutions marketers are using for lead gen, the role of social and email, where budget dollars are going, and more.
2014 MARC Awards Winners Announced
Learn who took top honors at the first-annual Marketing ARC Awards, announced at LeadsCon New York last month. The MARC Awards, presented by Chief Marketer, honor the best campaigns powered by marketing technology solutions.
Four Features Every Product Demo Should Have
You only get one chance to make a first impression, so when you get the opportunity to get in front of a prospect you don’t want to blow it. Learn the essential elements of a killer product demo.
Job Opportunities

Marketing Director
Architectural Systems, Inc., New York, NY

Marketing Manager
Natural Products Association, Washington, DC

Marketing Manager - Intellectual Property
Ballard Spahr LLP, Philadelphia, PA

Marketing Manager
HavenBrook Homes, Duluth, GA

Social Media & Digital Marketing Manager
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL

Markeeting Manager - Business & Finance
Ballard Spahr LLP, Philadelphia, PA

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The Essential Email Deliverability Guide
When customers can’t rely on your messages, it leads to lost customer trust, and therefore, revenue. Whether you’re sending marketing email newsletters, transactional email, or email notifications to customers, you need to get those messages delivered. Make sure your email is getting to the inbox by downloading the SendGrid's Email Deliverability Guide today!

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