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Chief Marketer Tech Talk

Leveraging Marketing Technology to Achieve Measurable Results

March 04, 2014

Chief Tech Talk Marketer

Marketing Tech Integration Remains a Challenge

Patrick Gorman

Multitasking businesswoman at workFocusing on mobile solutions, targeting the right clients and creating killer content are key when integrating marketing tech solutions.

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Q&A: CMO Council’s Liz Miller on Marketing Tech Trends

Patrick Gorman

Technology in the handsWe sat down with Liz Miller of the CMO Council to talk marketing tech trends and what solutions marketers need to have on their radar screens in 2014.

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Marketers Feel Unprepared to Manage Big Data: IBM Study

Patricia Odell

digital595IBM's CMO Study found that feeling the most under-prepared when it comes to the idea of Big Data rose to the top. Three main factors are in play to help.

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What You Need: Tech Requirements for Lead Gen


influencer marketingInvesting in technology and automation can make your online lead generation activities more efficient and contribute to overall higher quality leads.

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Super Bowl Ads Go Interactive: Study

Patrick Gorman

iStock_000017691394Small copyTake a deep dive into this year's Super Bowl ads and how they engaged viewers onscreen and on mobile devices via this study from StarStar.

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