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Chief Marketer Tech Talk September 26, 2017
Lenovo CMO Roman Outlines Marketing Challenges
Learn how tech brand Lenovo is humanizing its brand with personalization and co-ventures like the "Jedi Challenges" augmented reality game. More…
Q&A: Steve Kozek on GE Capital’s Marketing Challenges
At LeadsCon’s B2B Connect to Convert last month, Steve Kozek of GE Capital shared ideas about how his organization optimizes B2B data and content. More…
Trifacta Creates a Tiered ABM Focus
Trifacta is finding success with ABM by approaching top tier targets with customized marketing programs. More…

Can Your Customers Count On You in a Hurricane?
As a nation we’ve been fixated recently by several catastrophic hurricanes. For those at a distance it seems like an overwhelming human crisis. But it’s also a business crisis. More…

Job Opportunities

Digital Marketing Manager
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, Boston, MA

Assistant Professor of Social Media - University of West Florida
UWF, Pensacola, FL

Marketing Director, Growth - Strategic Development
Comcast, Philadelphia
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