Email Optimization | Forming a True Sales-Marketing Partnership | %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION: 1542351-View Web Version%%
Chief Marketer Tech Talk August 4, 2015
Special Report: B2B Email Trends, Tech & Tips
A key nuance in B2B email is acknowledging that the person who chooses to buy a product and the user aren’t necessarily the same. For B2B email marketers, this means added challenges when it comes to creating messaging. In this Chief Marketer Special Report, learn why keeping on top of email tech trends will help you get noticed in the inbox.  More…
7 Key Facts About the New FTC Social Media Guidelines
For the first time in five years, the Federal Trade Commission has updated the FAQ page of its endorsement guidelines. Prepare now, you will not regret it. More…
What Do You Think? Rave About Your Fave Marketing Tech
What marketing technology solutions are essential to your business? Chief Marketer wants to know! Take our 2 minute marketing tech survey and be entered to win a $200 AmEx gift card. More…

Data Optimization Tech Update
The ability to sort through data sets, find the right targets and present them with messaging that matters is vital in today's marketing environment. Thankfully, tech solutions are more readily available—and more affordable—than ever before. Learn more in this Chief Marketer Special Report.  More…

Job Opportunities

Global Marketing Manager - Insecticides
BASF Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC

Marketing Director
Dell, Inc., Round Rock, TX

Marketing Manager
Stolthaven Houstong Terminals, Houston, TX

Digital Marketing Manager for Federal
Delll, Inc., Washington, DC

Sales and Marketing Director
Sagora Senior Living, Tulsa, OK

Communications and Marketing Manager
Riverfront Recapture, Inc., Hartford, CT

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