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Chief Marketer Tech Talk August 10, 2017
Using VR to Tell Your Story
Brands are embracing virtual reality (VR) and other types of technology as a way to offer consumers unique, impactful experiences. Here's how they can help you relate your brand's tale.  More…
What Are the Biggest B2B Pain Points?
Are you a B2B marketer feeling the pain? You’re not alone. We asked several of our speakers at this month’s B2B Connect to Convert summit what they thought were the biggest challenges facing marketers today. More…
Marketing Automation Helps Prezi Improve Content Marketing
Marketing automation is helping Prezi serve up relevant content to B2B prospects for its visual storytelling software. More…

Three Steps to Effective Cross-Device Marketing
Screen usage among consumers has soared to five to seven different screens per day, making it more and more difficult to provide consistent cross-device experiences. More…
Digital Marketing Metrics That Will Uncover Big Growth Opportunities
The average digital marketing spend for businesses is predicted to reach $118 billion by 2021. But simply knowing the potential value of digital marketing isn’t enough—you must measure marketing metrics and analytical data to determine your marketing ROI. More…

Tapping Into the Educational Power of Webinars
Webinars can be a great tactic to help inform a B2B audience about a product or service, if you keep the focus on education and avoid the hard sell. More…
Job Opportunities

Sr. Marketing Manager
IDEXX, Westbrook, ME

Chief Content Officer - WLVT
PBS39, Bethlehem, PA

Access Marketing Director - Oncology
Amgen, Newbury Park, CA

Field Marketing Manager, Client Peripherals, Displays & Imaging
Dell, Round Rock, TX

Global Marketing Director -- Repatha
Amgen, Newbury Park, CA
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Next Week! B2B Connect to Convert 

Join us in NYC for LeadsCon's B2B Connect to Convert Aug. 21-23. Featuring speakers from Aberdeen, gyro, Whrilpool, Iron Mountain & more.

Virtual Event—Peak Season

Want to get the most out of your holiday marketing spend? Get tips from the pros in the Peak Season Summit, a new virtual event from the editors of Multichannel Merchant. 

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