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Chief Marketer Tech Talk March 7, 2017
Customer Data Management: What Really Matters
How should you think about customer data management? It really should be seen as a collection of answers to a lot of questions about your customers. More…
10 SEO Tips for Site Redesigns
Here are 10 simple SEO tips to follow to ensure your website stays on page one after you throw the switch on a new site redesign. More…
Why It’s Critical for Marketers to Embrace Voice in 2017
More and more, consumers are choosing to engage with brands through a virtual assistant, voice search or via a phone call. Learn why you need to be in that conversation.  More…

3 Way to Automatically Reduce Customer Churn
Customer churn stands in the way of growing your business. How do you battle it? More…

B2B Lead Gen By the Numbers: Infographic
Discover the top B2B lead gen opportunities and challenges uncovered in Chief Marketer's exclusive survey. More…

Ways Data and Martech Can Help Communications Leaders
Today’s martech and data explosion holds the key for chief communications officers to gain the data-driven insights, projections and authority that their C-suite counterparts already enjoy. More…

Marketers’ Most Wanted: Sports Fans
In the Most Wanted series, Chief Marketer looks at some of the top demographic segments marketers need to target in 2017. In this week’s spotlight, sports fans. More…

Job Opportunities

Assistant Marketing Manager
Mediacom Health, Minneapolis, MN

Marketing Manager
Homegrown Hospitality Group, Columbia, SC

Communications Assistant
CropLife America, Washington, Dist. Columbia

Product Marketing Manager
Penn Foster, Boston, MA

Product Marketing Manager
WealthFront, Redwood City, CA

Marketing Manager
Nicola Wealth Management, Vancouver, Canada
Related Content

Driving Phone Conversions: The Secret to Adwords, Facebook and Display ROI in 2017
If phone conversions play a role in the customer journey for your business, don't miss this webinar on March 8 at 2:00 PM EST, where you'll learn strategies around phone conversions marketers now use to improve ROAS for AdWords, Facebook and display. 

Delivering a Great Customer Experience
If you can understand your customer and connect with them, you have the opportunity to offer them a meaningful, personalized experience. In doing so, you can maximize their potential as a customer.

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