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Chief Marketer Direct
December 23, 2014


Video Marketing to Go Prime Time in 2015
This story lays out five ways video will change the landscape, including video marketing becoming a strategic tool for lead generation and qualification.
Channel Integration Technology
Channel integration technology is critical in making sure that customer experience remains a constant regardless of how a customer is communicating with a brand.
Is Your Refrigerator About to Email You? 2015 Marketing Predictions
2015 marketing predictions come in all shapes and sizes. Here's a few insights to chew on.
The C-level Social Media Gap
Not everyone in the c-suite is walking the social media talk and that's causing a crack in internal employee communications.
Big Spending On Marketing Tech Acquisitions
There have been almost $6.2 billion in marketing tech acquisition deals in just the last three months, including $768.3 million in new funding for early-, middle-, and late-stage start-ups.
Job Opportunities

Associated Marketing Director
Beiersdorf, Wilton, CT

Sales/Marketing Director
Aegis Living, WA

Online Advertising & Marketing Manager
American Psychiatric Publishing, Arlington, VA

Product Marketing Director
Infogroup, Papillion, NE

Marketing Manager
Agilex Fragrances, Piscataway, NJ

Marketing Director
Sagora Senior Living, Fort Worth, TX

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