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Chief Marketer Direct
November 25, 2014


Reviews Help Friskies SEO Performance
Purina Friskies knows that improved search results are good for business, so it decided to focus on leveraging customer reviews as part of its SEO strategy and saw big increases in search traffic as a result.
Old Spaghetti Factory Gets Local With Social
The Old Spaghetti Factory is targeting its Facebook fans with specialized messages and offers based on their location, and that kind of personalization is helping ROI and increasing customer transactions.
Target's New Mobile App Maps Stores
Target’s new mobile app is aimed at improving customer experience, and includes technology that allows users to create shopping lists and maps store footprints to make items easier to find.
Bollman Hat Co. & Cloud-Based Optimization
Bollman Hat Co., the parent company of and, recognized the need for web and mobile optimization and have seen a 20 percent year-over-year conversion rate increase since implementing cloud-based engagement optimization solutions.
From Mobile Apps to Mobile Engagement in Three Steps
True mobile engagement is becoming a key factor for winning business, improving customer service and increasing overall productivity.
Job Opportunities

Associated Marketing Director
Beiersdorf, Wilton, CT

Sales/Marketing Director
Aegis Living, WA

Online Advertising & Marketing Manager
American Psychiatric Publishing, Arlington, VA

Product Marketing Director
Infogroup, Papillion, NE

Marketing Manager
Agilex Fragrances, Piscataway, NJ

Marketing Director
Sagora Senior Living, Fort Worth, TX

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