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Chief Marketer Direct
October 14, 2014


Location-Based Marketing Best Practices
This new Chief Marketer special report examines how location-based marketing technology is evolving, how  marketers are using geofencing and beacons to target consumers and what’s next for location-based marketing.
Leveraging Marketing Automation
In this special report on using marketing automation, learn how campaigns can be deployed more quickly, targeting the most relevant recipients and saving huge amounts of time for marketing teams.
Social Advocates Can Fuel Big Buzz
Savvy brands are leveraging social advocates, or super fans, to spread their messages organically across social platforms, and marketers are learning to leverage them to supplement paid ad campaigns.
Big Data for Mobile Marketers
Big data isn’t strictly for traditional digital marketing campaigns—mobile marketers can take advantage of new avenues of information to better target relevant audiences and turn them into customers.
Creating a Data Centric View of Customers
Having a customer-centric view is great, but a data-centric view can help you understand intent.
Job Opportunities

IT Marketing Director
Halfpenny Technologies, Blue Bell, PA

Marketing Manager
The Collier Companies, Gainesville, FL

Marketing Manager
The Garden City Group, Inc., Seattle, WA

PR/Marketing Manager
California Fertility Partners, Los Angeles, CA

Senior Marketing Manager Content Marketing
Charles Schwab, San Francisco, CA

Marketing Manager
Virima Technologies, Dunwoody, GA

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Marketers need to understand and prove how their ads, content, and campaigns are generating phone calls, impacting lead generation, and driving sales. Check out the “Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers” to learn more.

The Rise Of The Customer Life-Cycle Marketing Systems
Fragmentation of the customer journey has forced marketing to be more relevant and responsive. In this paper, Forrester calls on CMOs to adopt the customer life-cycle as a guiding framework and deploy “customer life-cycle marketing systems.”

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