Email Optimization | Forming a True Sales-Marketing Partnership
Chief Marketer Tech Talk October 9, 2018
Marketing Automation Helps Tower Improve Email Prospecting
Automating email marketing processes has helped Tower Federal Credit Union improve targeting to reach prospects for new loans. More…

Chatbots from Czech to Chinese (And Everywhere in Between)
Chatbot frameworks have simplified the creation and deployment of AI tools, but implementers struggle to extend success beyond single languages. More…
American Express on How and Why AR Works for the Brand
Lindsay Ulrey, director global experiential marketing and partnerships at American Express, shares the brand's AR journey. More…

Why Inbox Placement Matters for Email Marketers
Analyzing inbox placement helped Liberty Mutual create models to determine recipients' likelihood to engage with their messages. More…
SEO for Content Marketers: Key Tips
SEO is critical for marketers looking to maximize ROI, but figuring out the technical aspects of how to improve your search ranking can be tricky. More…

2019 B2B Marketing Outlook Survey
In this exclusive annual survey report, Chief Marketer uncovers how B2B marketers are investing their time and money to boost engagement, conversions and ROI. More…
Job Opportunities

Global Product Marketing Manager, Upstream
General Electric, Marlborough

Global Product Marketing Manager - X-Ray Digital Solutions
General Electric, Waukesha

Marketing Manager, Global Channel Marketing
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA 

Cosmetics Marketing Manager 
Algenol Biotech, Washington, DC 

Product Marketing Manager
National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia

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Engage Your Ideal Customer
FREE WEBINAR: Join Mike Ashmore of Pitney Bowes and Jon Tallman of FullContact to discover the importance of identity based marketing in this new live webinar on Oct. 24. 

Creating Customer Confidence
SPECIAL REPORT: Learn ideas for better data management and learn how to read customers' behavorial signals to create more relevant campaigns in this new special report, sponsored by Lytics.

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