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Chief Marketer Direct
January 06, 2015


Drive Engagment and Conversions With Video
2014 was a breakout year for brands using video to drive engagement and conversion, and in the race to develop content that engages decision makers, video must be a significant part of marketing strategies moving forward.
Channel Integration Technology
Channel integration technology is critical in making sure that customer experience remains a constant regardless of how a customer is communicating with a brand. This Chief Marketer special report digs into the ways marketers are getting their message out to consumers, regardless of channel.
Video Marketing to Go Prime Time in 2015
This article lays out five ways video will change the landscape, such as video marketing becoming a strategic tool for lead generation and qualification.
Three Ways to Improve Your 2015 Mobile Strategy
Getting users to download a mobile app is only the tip of the iceberg. Do you have a strategy in place for continued engagement?
Dove, Oreo (+Others) Facebook Marketing Tips
This author takes a look at 10 large and small brands and provides Facebook marketing examples, as well as tips you can use in your own Facebook Marketing.
Job Opportunities

Product Marketing Manager-Dell SecureWorks
Dell, Inc. Atlanta, GA

Marketing Director
Neiman Marcus, Dallas, TX

Senior Marketing Manager, Products and Content
Professional Convention Management Association, Chicago, IL

Senior Marketing Manager
Nordstrom, Seattle, WA

Marketing Director
Dell, Inc., Round Rock, TX

Marketing Director/Proposal Manager
Ulliman Schutte, Miamisburg, OH

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