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Chief Marketer Direct
January 13, 2015


IBM & Apple Apps Give Retail Associates Access to Customer Data
IBM and Apple released a suite of apps that put customer intelligence in store associates' hands to bring a more personalized experience to the customer. More...
Mobile Tech 2015
How Mobile Technology Is Engaging Consumers On-The-Go. Marketers who are poised for success know that connecting with consumers via mobile devices is critical in today’s connected world. Be it through webpages, videos and email messages optimized for mobile viewing, or more advanced tech solutions such as location-based messaging, marketers will need to leverage mobile technology more and more moving forward. More...
Chief Marketer Listline Jan. 9
Lists featured this week include American Association of University Women Donors and Stirista. More...

Successful Webinars Start with Content
Best practices for content marketing webinars includes a number of key items including, the title, promoting the speaker and updating the message. More...
Chief Data Marketer

Three Ways Big Data Will Change Marketing Offers in 2015
At the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show sensor analytics, geo-location, and web and social data capture were all big trends—and the volume of data will just grow exponentially as a result. More...

A Lesson in Social Marketing from Hollywood
Hollywood needs strong social marketing skills just as much as any marketer. It has movies to sell. Take away a few tips for your own marketing tool kit. More...



Job Opportunities

Private Label Credit Marketing Manager
Orchard Brands, Beverly, MA

National Sales & Marketing Mananger
Ketchie, Inc., Concord, NC

Marketing Manager
NuWorld Corporation, Carteret, NJ

Marketing Manager, Fragrance
Christian Dior Perfumes, New York, NY

Search Engine Marketing Manager - HauteLook
Nordstrom, Los Angeles, CA

Marketing Manager
Nordstrom, Seattle, WA

Related Content

Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketer
Marketers need to understand and prove how their ads, content, and campaigns are generating phone calls, impacting lead generation, and driving sales. Check out the “Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers” to learn more.

The Future of Omnichannel Personalization
Organizations need to go further with their personalization, first by delivering the right experience at the right time and on the right device and next by delivering relevant, tailored experiences that meet individual user needs by combining historical, behavioral, and profile data with real-time situational feedback.

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