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Chief Marketer Direct
June 11, 2014


Subway $5 Footlong Success Shows the Power of Simplicity
In cooking and in marketing, sometimes the simplest ideas yield the best results. Consider the humble local beginnings of the Subway $5 footlong campaign, which started in one local franchise and grew into a national success story. More...
SPONSORED BY: Chief Marketer Network Source Directory

5 Ways To Determine if Your Lead Gen Budget Stacks Up
Is your lead gen budget big enough—or competitive enough? The answer may surprise you. Consider these five factors to figure out whether you're really spending your dollars in the right way to make the most of your customers' lifetime value proposition.  More...
SPONSORED BY:Chief Marketer Network Source Directory

Does Targeted Push Text Work Better than Broadcast? Report
Users who opted in to push messaging are retained at nearly double the rate of those who did not, according to a new report from Urban Airship. Learn how audience segmentation in text messaging can improve mobile engagement across different vertical markets  More...

Apply Today to Become a Chief Marketer Top Shop
Time is running out! Tomorrow is the deadline to answer the call for PROMO’s Top Shops and Chief Marketer’s B2B Top Shops. Learn how your agency can become part of these essential agency listings.  More...
SPONSORED BY:Chief Marketer Network Source Directory
Chief Data Marketer

The Value of Testing in Online Prospecting
Want to get the most out of your online prospecting? Considering new ideas for boosting your database marketing schemes? LeadsCon New York speaker David Rodnitzky of 3QDigital shares why you need to consider paring down the amount of data points you're asking for on online forms, and why you must test.   More...

Optimizing Lead Gen Efforts With Killer Calls to Action
Leveraging strong online content and creating killer calls to action are essential for marketers looking to make the most of their lead gen efforts. Learn how optimizing your landing page can boost your data collection initaitives.  More...

Chief Marketer Listline June 10
Each week Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include Affordable Housing Finance Business Email and Progressive Grocer Enewsletter. More...

Enter the Chief Marketer Marketing ARC Awards for Top Tech 
Are you utilizing technology solutions to boost your marketing ROI? Let the world know! Chief Marketer invites you to enter the first annual Marketing ARC Awards for winning marketing technology applications. More...


Job Opportunities

Public Relations and Marketing Manager
Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP, Atlanta, GA

Marketing Manager
Rotary International, Evanston, IL

Marketing Manager - Fluid Power
Bosco-Hubert & Associates, Florida

Ecommerce Marketing Manager
NYX, Los Angeles, CA

Product Marketing Director
Central 1 Credit Union, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Marketing Directory
Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville, NY

Marketing Manager
State Bank & Trust Company, Atlanta, GA

Product Marketing Manager
Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA

Marketing Manager
ProCirc, New York, NY

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How to Achieve a Seamless Marketing Execution
by BOX

Marketers face the challenge of managing content creation, revisions and approvals across several teams. This can become an unwieldy process, as it often puts deadlines and budgets at risk. Learn how companies are becoming more agile and increasing collaboration.

Enterprise Social at the Speed of Business
by Jive

This report will discuss how use of enterprise social collaboration (ESC) processes and tools helps companies improve their customer experience management program results. It will explain how Best-in-Class ESC users help their employees and partners establish a single view of their customers and engage these clients with consistent messages delivered by numerous stakeholders within the business.

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