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Chief Direct Marketer August 19, 2015
Reinventing the 360-Degree Customer View
Sure, everyone talks about a 360-degree customer view. But rather than going in circles, maybe you should think instead think about a spiral when trying to envision your customer lifecycle. Here's why.
The 5 Symptoms of Bad App Marketing
A great marketing app provides an experience that customers truly love. But unfortunately, many app marketers are still struggling to bring together the right insights and systems to give that to their users.
How Companies Are Marketing with Virtual Reality
Virtual reality will grow into a $60 billion business over the next 10 years. Want to get on the cutting edge? Here’s some interesting examples of companies using virtual reality as a marketing tool today.

7 Reasons to Market to Baby Boomers on Social
Marketers spend big budgets to reach Millennials and Gen Z, but Baby Boomers are by far the biggest spenders. So why do only 5% of ad dollars target older consumers?
Chief Data Marketer

Personalizing Email With Dynamic Content
Want to engage your email readers? Dynamic content takes personalization to a new level, allowing marketers to target individual email recipients with different content based on subscribers’ demographics or preferences.

4 Steps to Mastering the Customer Experience Pathway
Everyone wants to get inside their customers' heads and figure out what they really want from their brand. Interviews, installation ride-alongs and focus groups can help you create a customer experience pathway.

From Fickle to Faithful: Special Report 
Enrollment in loyalty programs may be up, but participation is declining. Learn how marketers are updating their programs to increase participation and engagement in this exclusive Chief Marketer Special Report.

Chief Marketer Listline  
Each week, Chief Marketer and NestMark present a selection of files new to market. Lists featured today include Mom365 and Logos Bible Study Software.
Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager
IMTT, (International Matex Tank Terminals), Bayonne, NJ

General Manager/Marketing Director
Welch's, Concord, MA

Trade Marketing Manager
Caudalie, New York, NY

Marketing Director
Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area, Boise, ID

Membership & Marketing Manager
Girl Scouts of Connecticut, North Haven, CT

Channel Marketing Manager - Distribution
EMC, Denver, CO

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Modern Marketing Essential Guide to Cross Channel Marketing
Regardless of channel, consumers and prospects want more than a generic product experience—they want to feel an affinity for their investment and attraction to a brand. This guide outlines how to start creating the most cohesive, valuable, and frictionless customer experience possible.

Creating Ideal Customers: Personalize Every Experience to Increase Engagement, Advocacy, and Revenue
CMOs face a major dilemma: While 75% of CEOs want marketing to become more ROI-focused and attribute revenue to efforts, they’re also being tasked to innovate and lead their companies into the digital age.

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