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Chief Direct Marketer February 4, 2015
Why Your Live Event Team Needs to Go Hollywood
Live events and blockbuster movies both want to create a meaningful experience. Here's 4 ideas your  team can steal from Hollywood to make your next live event a showstopper.
Inside the 2015 Marketing Tech Landscape
We sat down with Scott Brinker, co-founder and CTO of ion interactive and the creator of the Chief Marketing Technologist Blog, to get a picture of the current marketing tech landscape and what’s on the horizon.
Nike Uses Content Marketing Videos for Internal Communications
Nike is using video to engage employees and get them excited about the brand. Learn about the internal content marketing campaign MKTG helped conceive.

Think You’re Customer-Centric? Think Again
Many companies aren't as customer-centric as they could be, despite all the data at their disposal. Learn the hurdles many organizations face, including information overload, tension within the company itself and a lack of focus on relationships.
Chief Data Marketer

3 Ways to Link Online and Offline Customer Experiences
Retailers like Macy's are blurring the online-offline customer experience to engage consumers and increase sales. Here's three ways you can build brand and the bottom line across multiple channels

2015 B2B Marketing Outlook
It’s a new year. Do you know if your B2B marketing strategy is where you want it to be? In this special report, Chief Marketer asks the experts for the top tips and trends you need to improve B2B lead generation, engagement, customer retention and ROI.

5 Ways Empowered Consumers Will Change Marketing in 2015
Information is power, and your customers have it. Here's 5 key trends marketers need to watch in 2015 to engage with empowered consumers.

Chief Marketer Listline  
Each week, Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include Primitive Quilts & Projects and Blair's Menswear Blow-In.
Job Opportunities

Brand & Calendar Marketing Manager II
Tractor Supply Company, Brentwood, TN

Assistant Marketing Manager - Digital, Email, SMS, Push
HSN, Saint Petersburg, FL

Marketing Director
Dell, Inc., Round Rock, TX

Physician Relations Marketing Director
City of Hope, Duarte, CA

North American Marketing Manager - Refinish, Southfield, MI-1403830
BASF Corporation, Southfield, MI

Marketing Manager
Lumicor, Renton, WA

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Top Things to Consider When Deciding to Implement Responsive Design
Increasingly, merchants and their web development teams are embracing responsive design principles to help them capture and retain more orders and sales from mobile devices. This eBook addresses the questions merchants must ask when evaluating to implement responsive design.

Data Management Platforms Demystified
Learn how data management platforms can help you achieve audience targeting precision and scale across all marketing programs. This paper delivers an in-depth overview and provides information for marketers and agencies hoping to implement a DMP to improve program outcomes.

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