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Chief Marketer Direct
November 5, 2014


DuPont’s Online Video Success Story
DuPont is much more than a chemical company, and video helped the brand tell its story. Learn how video helped DuPont showcase its food, electronics, seed, safety and other divisions for consumers.   More...
Oh, That’s Good--The Campaigns Editors Loved in 2014
What to know what campaigns the editors of Chief Marketer, Multichannel Merchant and Event Marketer thought were the winners of the year?  Learn which brands we thought excelled, including Esurance, Microsoft, Geico, Cartoon Network, Old Spice and more. More...
Why LinkedIn and Salesforce Must Play Nice
Just as data made inbound marketing, it’s turning the tide for outbound, and the change is being led by social media. Learn how technology is changing the impact outbound can have on your organization.  More...

5 Things Marketers Can Learn from Fashion
Sure, looks aren't the only thing that matters in marketing. But there's a lot marketers can learn from the world of fashion. Read how a keen use of color and design can help your brand make a bold statement.  More...
Chief Data Marketer

4 Tips for Leveraging CRM Data
When put to work properly, CRM data can help drive huge gains in your campaign results and ROI for the holidays and beyond. From segmentation to targeting, here's four ideas for getting more out of your information.  More...

Despite Security Concerns, Consumers Still Share Data
Consumers are worried about security, but they’re still willing to share information with organizations they trust, according to a new survey from SAS. More...

Take B2B Lead Nurturing Beyond Email
Sure, email is great. But social and display must be part of your efforts to get content in front of B2B prospects. Bizo shares tips for connecting with your B2B audience.  More...

Chief Marketer Listline Nov. 3
Each week, Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include Capper's Farmers and Cars & Parts. More...


Job Opportunities

Marketing Director
Forest City, San Bruno, CA

Consumer Marketing Director
ProCirc, New York, NY

Digital Marketing Manager, Analytics and Intelligence
The Home Depot, Atlanta, GA

North America Digital Marketing Manager
SmartWool, Steamboat Springs, CO

Digital Strategy Interactive Marketing Manager
Vermeer Corporation, Pella, IA

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Driving the Future of Business
How much do you know about Generation C? Do you know what’s disrupting your customers' behavior and the impact is has on your business? Find out why your customers’ experience with your brand is more important than the product and get inspiration for your 2015 initiatives.

Social & The DMP: Understanding Data-Driven Social Media Marketing
2This white paper serves to provide marketers with background knowledge, practical (tactical) use cases and sample performance of other cutting edge marketers as they explore ways to integrate data into their social marketing mix.

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