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Chief Marketer Direct
November 12, 2014


Successfully Navigating a Rebrand
No matter the industry, smart marketers know visual updates should be an important part of a proactive, strategic planning process to keep your brand relevant. Learn how Tropicana, Gap, Starbucks and others made this happen.  More...
Subway’s New In-Store Mobile Pay Solution
Would in-app ordering sway your lunch hour loyalties? Subway’s new mobile app rewards users with loyalty programs and special offers, and allow customers to order food and make in-store payments. More...
Starbucks Gets It - How Happy Employees Result in Happy Customers
Starbucks’ decision to invest in its employees through education will certainly pay back with interest. Learn how an engaged employee can become an advocate for your brand.  More...

Live Events Make Customer Connections
Brands like Apple use live events to turn product launches into word-of-mouth phenomenons. Here are three reasons live events are the perfect strategy for your marketing plan. More...
Chief Data Marketer

Waging the War for Data Science Talent
Relatively few individuals have the training and experience to comprehend the big data landscape and make sense of what is going on. For CMOs, developing a qualified data science team is a major challenge.  More...

Bringing Location and Weather Together
Delivering mobile ad messages to app subscribers based on location and weather data can mean success for advertisers, and The Weather Company is paying close attention to how these variables can help target consumers. More...

Are Data Gaps Holding Back Your Marketing and Sales?
Having the right information about your customers can make the difference between mediocre and spectacular sales. Does your organization have data discipline? Here are three key questions to ask your team.  More...

Chief Marketer Listline  
Each week, Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include Craft Ideas and Defending America's Borders. More...


Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager
London Universities Purchasing Consortium, London, UK

Industry Group Marketing Mananger
Moss Adams LLP, Seattle, WA

Sales and Marketing Manager
Sagora Senior Living, Abilene, TX

Marketing Manager
Kraft Enterprise Systems Inc., Brentwood, TN

Local Marketing Manager, Fragrances
Coty, New York, NY

Related Content

Data Activation: Real Results From Real Marketers
If you are a marketer and looking to scale your efforts in an efficient and effective manner, data has become the core of your strategy and will continue to drive your efforts for years to come.

Become a Global Marketing Guru: Five Localization Strategies Every Digital Marketer Needs
70% of internet users are not native English speakers. 75% of the world’s economy is outside the USA. Every marketer needs these 5 strategies for adapting their marketing content for international use.

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