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Chief Marketer Direct
October 15, 2014


Why Brands Should Pay Attention to College Football
Brands like Zaxby's Chicken are tapping into the passion of college football fans in the New Heartland. Learn why it just might pay off for your company to connect with these engaged consumers both inside and outside of the stadium. More...
Successful Webinars Start With an Optimized Registration Page
If you want your next webinar to be a success, begin with reg and confirmation pages optimized to make the experience as painless as possible. Here's some tips from ON24 to make your next virtual event a winner.  More...
Major Brands Take the ANA Masters Spotlight
Target, Chobani and General Mills are a few of the key brands presenting at this week's ANA Masters of Marketing event in Orlando. On the Big Fat Marketing Blog, Beth Negus Viveiros offers a preview of the event.  More...

Q&A: Transitioning from B2B to Academia
Fairfield University's Jennifer Anderson chats about her move from Pitney Bowes to the academic marketing life. Learn how the Connecticut school is connecting with students and alumni via new media and more.  More...
Chief Data Marketer

4 Ways to Survive Today’s Data-Driven Marketing World
Technology and data are transforming the world of marketing at a lightning fast pace. David Scott shares why CMOs might just need to go back and get a math degree to survive. More...

Digital Engagement and Conversion Are Not Synonymous
A sea of engaged customers doesn't necessarily lead to increased sales. Data is key to bridging the gap. At the recent Future M event in Boston, experts shared the way challenges vary by vertical and brand, and what you need to do now to make the most of your information assets. More...

Location-Based Marketing Best Practices
Chances are you consume a good portion of your media via mobile, and so do your customers. In this new Chief Marketer Special Report, discover the tech and trends that will help your brand take advantage of location-based mobile marketing.  More...

Chief Marketer Listline  
Each week, Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured today include the Dakota Indian Active File and Timber Home Living. More...


Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager
Herkules Equipment Corp., Walled Lake, MI

Direct Marketing Manager
Georgia Public Broadcasting, Atlanta, GA

Marketing Manager
Rocky Mountaineer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Shopper Marketing Manager
Mars Petcare, Franklin, TN

Direct Marketing Manager
Common Cause, Washington, DC

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5-Minute Multi-Channel Nurturing Primer
An effective multi-channel prospect nurturing program also encompasses display and social advertising. Download this white paper to learn how to use email, display and social marketing to nurture leads through the funnel.

The Total Economic Impact of Sailthru
Forrester’s Total Economic Impact study examines Sailthru’s financial impact on a marketing organization and the significant increases in spending and customer engagement their solution drove.

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