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Chief Marketer Direct
January 28, 2015


4 Criteria to Find the Right Audience for Word-of-Mouth Campaigns
Successful word of mouth campaigns mean sharing your stories with the right communities—and you can find them everywhere from bars to hair salons. Here's four suggestions on how you can decide if a community is the right audience for your brand's message. More...
Lead Gen Marketers Need to Stay Up to Date on Regulatory Issues
No matter what vertical a lead gen marketer is in, they need to stay up to date on the latest federal and state regulations or they could wind up in hot water. LeadsCon Las Vegas speaker Beau Bratton shares a preview of his session at the upcoming conference.  More...
Business Moves at the Speed of Social
Social business is happening in real time 24/7, affecting all business functions, and exciting opportunities abound for teams that are ready to embrace social analytics. More...

Video Goes Viral: 2015 Video Marketing Trends 
Generating mass reach through video is an important goal for most marketers. However, a shift is underway in how that goal is achieved—from channel distribution strategies to great storytelling. Learn more in this exclusive Chief Marketer Special Report.  More...
Chief Data Marketer

Lead Attribution Must Go Beyond First or Last Click
Tablets are becoming the primary computing devices for many professionals and consumers—and this will change the way marketers need to attribute the results of their lead generation campaigns. Discover why your team needs to know the consumer's entire path to purcahse, and not just the last click that got them there. More...

What's On Tap for Marketers in 2015
A new year for marketers is off and running, and Bruce Biegel, senior managing director with Winterberry Group, sat down with Chief Marketer to talk about what marketing professionals can expect in the year ahead. More...

B2B Marketing Starts With Knowing the Customer
B2B marketers have more ways to connect with prospects and customers than ever before. But none of that matters if you don’t really understand what they want. More...

Chief Marketer Listline 
Each week, Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include Poets & Writers Magazine and American Bar Association Students. More...


Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager
Kinetic Credit Union, Columbus, GA

Senior Product Manager / Marketing Manager - New Products
CSL Behring, King of Prussia, PA

Marketing Manager
Charlotte Radiology, Charlotte, NC

Acquity Group Digital Marketing Manager
Accenture, Chicago, IL

Integrated Marketing Manager
Macys, New York, NY

Partnership Marketing Director
National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD

Related Content

Marketer’s Guide to Call Tracking for Google SEO and PPC
If having a successful Google SEO and PPC advertising strategy is important to your business, this eBook can help. It explains the value of tracking calls back to specific Google keywords, PPC ads and web pages.

Data Activation: Real Results From Real Marketers
If you are a marketer and looking to scale your efforts in an efficient and effective manner, data has become the core of your strategy and will continue to drive your efforts for years to come.

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